The tool storage benefits our customers
A much appreciated service is that we keep stocks of our customers’ tools, matrices and forms in a large and well-organised warehouse.
Along with the physical tools we also manage the technical production experience and the programs for our operator-controlled machines and other documents and drawings.
We believe that good order is an important part of our partnership with our customers. That means that we can quickly recreate the right setup for the parts that we manufacture again and again – however frequently or infrequently. This is big competitive advantage that affects the total cost, quality and timeliness of our production.

We aim to be your partner in the workshop and are happy to get involved early in the design work in order to contribute our production expertise.

Via business partners, we can also take overall responsibility for surface treatment according to customers’ requests and also carry out some assembly.

We also maintain stocks of matrices, raw materials and finished products to provide for short lead times in production.